Birth Injury and Medical Malpractice Lawyer
Rocky River and Cleveland, OH
440-331-6100 Free Consultation


The Role of Expert Witnesses in Birth Injury Cases

Birth injury claims and lawsuits, like all medical malpractice claims, require significant medical knowledge in order to properly litigate. Indeed, you can’t even pursue a birth injury case in court without the right medical expert or experts on board. Actually, winning a birth injury case requires highly skilled experts who can explain what happened, what...

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What are the Most Common Birth Injury Lawsuits?

Birth is supposed to be a joyful moment, but it’s also a complicated medical event, and if doctors and other medical professionals don’t do their jobs, there are many things that can go wrong. Unfortunately, medical errors before, during, or shortly after childbirth can lead to lifelong consequences for newborns and their families. That’s why...

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Medical Malpractice: How Common Are Anesthesia Errors?

According to a study published in The National Library of Medicine, errors in anesthesia care are on the rise, and the actual numbers may be higher than reported. Miscommunication, medication mistakes, and failure to follow guidelines often lead to severe outcomes, including patient injury and even death. Addressing anesthesia errors requires improving communication, adopting new...

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Can You Sue for an Erb’s Palsy Birth Injury?

When doctors and other medical professionals fail to follow standards of care during birth, the consequences can affect the baby for the rest of his or her life. One of the most common permanent injuries that can occur during birth is Erb’s palsy. If your child was diagnosed with Erb’s palsy following a difficult or...

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Seeking Justice for Meningitis-Related Birth Injuries

Newborns are incredibly fragile and vulnerable to medical conditions that can cause catastrophic complications. One of the deadliest such conditions is meningitis, a type of infection that affects the brain. Doctors who care for expectant mothers and newborn babies need to take appropriate actions to minimize the risk of meningitis and to effectively treat this...

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Umbilical Cord Prolapse and Birth Injuries

Obstetrician-gynecologists (OB/GYN), anesthesiologists, labor and delivery nurses, and other medical professionals involved in childbirth need to act quickly to respond to any complications that occur and prevent birth injuries. And one of the most dangerous complications is umbilical cord prolapse (UCP). What is umbilical cord prolapse? Umbilical cord prolapse means the umbilical cord drops through...

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Report: Misdiagnosis is More Common in Women and Minorities

The first step toward effective medical treatment is correctly diagnosing the medical condition itself. If doctors don’t know what a patient has, then they can’t even begin to treat it correctly. Hundreds of thousands of patients are harmed by diagnostic errors Yet despite the critical importance of the correct diagnosis, doctors get it wrong far...

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Can You Sue For a Medication Error at a Hospital?

Preventable medication errors are a form of medical negligence Hospitals have a legal responsibility to practice safe, effective, evidence-based medicine, and an important part of that responsibility is administering the right medications to patients. Unfortunately, that responsibility isn't always met. A recent study found that in hospitals and long-term care facilities, the rate of medication...

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Do Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy Get Worse With Age?

What to expect with this common birth injury Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neurological disorder that affects movement, muscle tone, and posture. It is caused by damage to the developing brain, usually before birth. It’s the most common motor disability in childhood, and its symptoms can vary widely. Some children may experience mild issues with...

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How Brain Injuries Occur During Birth

Before, during, and shortly after birth, a baby's developing brain is incredibly vulnerable. Brain injuries sustained during pregnancy or delivery can have life-altering consequences. Unfortunately, medical negligence is too often the cause. If your child suffered life-altering brain damage, we can help We're participating in Brain Injury Awareness Month this March because we've seen over...

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