Birth Injury and Medical Malpractice Lawyer
Rocky River and Cleveland, OH
440-331-6100 Free Consultation

What are the Most Common Birth Injury Lawsuits?

A newborn baby resting on mother's chest right after birth.

Birth is supposed to be a joyful moment, but it’s also a complicated medical event, and if doctors and other medical professionals don’t do their jobs, there are many things that can go wrong. Unfortunately, medical errors before, during, or shortly after childbirth can lead to lifelong consequences for newborns and their families.

That’s why we work so hard to hold negligent medical professionals accountable. Some of the most common medical errors that can lead to a birth injury lawsuit include:

Failure to recognize prenatal warning signs

Some birth injuries are the result of negligent care during the prenatal period (that is, before birth). Examples of prenatal negligence that can lead to serious consequences include:

  • Failure to diagnose or properly manage gestational diabetes
  • Failure to diagnose macrosomia (unusually large fetus)
  • Failure to diagnose placenta accreta spectrum (PAS)
  • Failure to appropriately refer the mother for additional care

Improperly managed pregnancy complications can lead to permanent injuries to the baby or the mother.

Failure to monitor the baby’s heartbeat during delivery

One of the most important measures that must be taken during delivery is ensuring that the baby’s brain is getting enough oxygen. Fetal distress can lead to hypoxia (lack of oxygen), which in turn can lead to permanent brain damage. Medical professionals need to properly monitor for signs of fetal distress and intervene appropriately.

Overdose of Pitocin

Pitocin is a medication used to induce or augment labor. It’s a synthetic version of oxytocin, which is the hormone that causes contractions. However, an overdose of Pitocin can cause injury to the fetus by compressing the umbilical cord or making the delivery too abrupt.

Misuse of forceps or vacuum extractors

When properly used, forceps and vacuum extractors can be invaluable tools to help guide the baby through the birth canal. However, they can also increase the risk of facial injuries and brain damage if used improperly, and they are not medically indicated in some situations.

Delayed c-section delivery

There are some situations where a baby absolutely needs to be delivered by c-section, and there are other situations where, while vaginal delivery can be attempted, the OB-GYN needs to be ready to move to a caesarean delivery to protect the baby. Failure to perform a c-section in a timely manner can lead to permanent brain damage and other birth injuries.

Failure to treat complications during the neonatal period

The minutes and hours immediately after birth are among the most dangerous for the baby. Certain complications, such as jaundice and hypoglycemia, need to be treated promptly to protect the baby’s long-term health. Failure to intervene in a timely manner can lead to permanent brain damage.

Our law firm stands up for Ohio families

If your child sustained a preventable birth injury, you deserve answers. However, finding out what happened and why isn’t easy. There are often hundreds of pages of medical records that need to be reviewed, and experts must be brought in to explain the applicable medical standards of care. An experienced birth injury lawyer can help.

For decades, attorney John A. Lancione and the team at The Lancione Law Firm have been fighting for Ohio families in high-stakes birth injury cases. If your child was harmed due to medical negligence, we would be honored to listen to your story and explain your options. Schedule your free consultation today.

"I highly recommend using this law firm for birth injury or medical malpractice cases." — Samantha H.

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